Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wabi Sabi Gerberas

I love Gerbera Daisies too. Almost as much as I love hydrangeas.  They are perfect until they “tip over.” Then I usually cut them down and put them in a small vase or glassybaby so I can enjoy them as long as possible.  This morning, I noticed several of the uniquely colored red and white gerberas Sofia picked out for me over the weekend had tipped over. My instinct was to cut them down right away. But I stopped and forced myself to appreciate the imperfection in my pitcher of gerberas, a few fallen and a few still upright.  By this afternoon, all but one had tipped over but I left them in the pitcher anway. It’s hard for me to not cut them down and tidy them up like I did with the ones that tipped over a couple of days ago. I’m sure by nightfall they’ll be cut down and beautifully arranged in a small vessel. Now that I am aware of the beauty in imperfection – wabi sabi – my vision of perfection is changing and I’m constantly noticing and appreciating a new kind of beauty all around me. 
By the way, do you say Gerbera or Gerber?!

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