Thursday, June 8, 2023

Peonies and Possibilities

My sweet daughter Sofia turned “sweet 16” a couple of weeks ago. She was born on May 26, 2007 – a day that changed my life. Actually, the months leading up to her arrival began my transformation. Due to some (unactualized) health concerns in utero – my doctor put me on bedrest for two months… I won’t go into the details but suffice it to say “it stopped me in my tracks” and ended up being just the transition I needed from my demanding full-time career to motherhood.

AND, I had peonies in my bedroom while I was on bedrest and the days following her birth. To this day, the sight and fragrance of peonies remind me of this life-changing period of my life.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago, my wonderful, wise friend Sally Fox wrote an email for Engaging Presence entitled “The Flower that Changed Me (A Pause for Peonies).” Great click bait for me – ha! Of course, I read it right away, and not only was I immediately transported back to Sofia's "birth season" in 2007 but I learned something I didn’t know I had in common with Sally – we both LOVE peonies, and peonies changed both of us!  

Sally wrote, which I love, “When the (peony) flowers appear each spring, they instantly become the stars of the garden, grabbing the spotlight if only for a few weeks.”

Another friend who I was exchanging peony pictures with, referring to their short season, commented: “That’s the trouble with peonies! But they are so beautiful while they last.”

A few days after receiving Sally’s email, I wrote a peony Haiku during my “Morning Pages” writing practice while gazing at the hot pink peonies on my kitchen table in the picture above. It’s short and sweet – just like peony season. Here I share it with you, along with the “stars of the garden” I’m currently enjoying in my house!


Peony Haiku

It’s peony time

 Bold beauty that’s so fleeting

 Gaze and savor now

I’ve come to realize that is one of the special things about peonies—their “lifespan” is very short, reminding us to savor their beauty, and that life (in all forms) is fleeting. They also remind us of the stages of a beautiful life – which I’ve captured below. I have to say the last picture feels like really "letting my hair down!" I don't usually tolerate a "mess" like this in my house, but I really enjoyed watching and capturing their beauty throughout their short and sweet life. And it helped me think of beauty differently and see the possibilities of a life well-lived. 

The Meaning of Peonies 

And then I got curious about what peonies represent. So, I turned to The Meaning of Flowers: Myth, Language and Lore. 

I was surprised to learn that “the peony grants its recipient the power to keep a secret.” Well, that’s interesting! I also learned the peony is a “deep-rooted plant that stands firm in the earth. Because of this the peony was reported to enhance the power of a promise.” I like that! 

It goes onto say “Peonies have been cultivated in Asia for more than a thousand years. Requiring such careful cultivation, they were flowers that only the rich could afford to grow in Japan. Therefore, the peony symbolizes prosperity for the Japanese.”

I bought these beauties along with the Calla lilies at Pike Place Market this weekend. I just love the combo! Even sweet Sofia exclaimed "WOW!" when she saw them together. 


On a recent afternoon I played around with the possibilities of peonies around my house. Here are a few favorite shots.

This past Monday marked the 5th anniversary of Kate Spade's death. I didn't know her, but I know she loved peonies, and all things pink and green. So the photo above is a tribute to her. After she passed away I wrote a post entitled "BE LIKE KATE" that was fun to revisit today. 


Finally, I leave you with a poem I’m loving right now by my dear friend Kathryn Carole Ellison from her book of ‘poems of life and love’ aptly titled POSSIBILITIES.



The mind is an amazing, wonderful thing!

What people can think about can be most exciting...

Or depends on what their hearts can hold.

Is it warmth and kindness, or bitter cold?

I choose to ponder the warmer, kinder heart

Which shows compassion and practices the art

Of working together with others for the benefit

Of an all-inclusive world... a dream I admit.

It's the possibility of having a dream come true

That makes life interesting... and to continue - 

When nothing is sure, everything is possible.

Every day holds the possibility of a miracle!

A Buddhist monk, by the name Thich Nhat Hanh,

Wrote about possibility - his words a voice of reason.

Clear and concise, the meaning quite intelligible:

"Because you are alive, everything is possible."

What if a transformation could take place?

What if... instead of confrontation face to face

Between two camps so divisive and stubborn...

They could come together and cooperatively govern?

What if... people wanted to take care of each other,

Coming together for common good, sister and brother?

What if... our beautiful planet could thrive,

And each and everyone of us could feel alive?

What if... our air could be breathable again,

And our fish in the oceans, in good health, could swim?

What if... all of us experienced good health?

What if friendship and cooperation were measures of wealth?

So many things are possible when we think they are!

Our possibilities are endless; imagination will take us far!

With possibilities, we begin each new day.

Let's get started on the possibilities straightaway!

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