Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Gratitude

As a mother and a daughter, Mother's Day is all about giving and receiving gratitude. As I reflect on my fourth Mother's Day as a mother, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for my own mom, gratitude for my amazing daughter who teaches me every day what it means to be a mother, and gratitude to my wonderful husband who treated me like a queen yesterday. My mom always says being a mother is the highest honor and I always respond with "and the hardest job I have ever had!" I am grateful for what motherhood has taught me about myself (my strengths and shortcomings) and I am grateful that I have a great role model who will always be my mother. 
I painted this card for my mom (my first "real" watercolor beyond painting with Sofia) and gave her a matching pink azalea topiary. She is an artist and recently took up watercolor again, which is inspiring my own creativity. Thank you mom! 

My mom painted this darling little card for me. Lavender is one of my all-time favorites!

To me, this card from my sister, inscribed with one of her favorite childhood words sums up life and motherhood! Isn't it just bursting with energy?!

Have you ever seen peonie tulips? Aren't they gorgeous? A Mother's Day treat from my sister, along with orange tights. Thanks Jill!

Even if you don't have girls, this book, by one of my mom and my favorite authors, Alexandra Stoddard, is full of wonderful life lessons. Yesterday I picked it up again and read a few chapters including: Living Takes Time, Do Your Best and Leave the Rest, and Love Your Own Company. It's a small book about the big issues in life. I highly recommend it.

And last but certainly not least, thank you Sofia and Geoff for the perfect Mother's Day.

I wish every day was Mother’s Day!

1 comment:

  1. Your watercolor card is lovely! Your mom must have been delighted! Glad you were treated like a Queen! XX
