Sunday, January 23, 2011


“Charm is a glow within a woman which casts
a most becoming light on others.”
-John Mason Brown

The bride and groom's first dance in the Sunset Club's exquisite ballroom.

Last night, my dear friend Tessa Gorman married her Prince Charming, Robert Jungerhans, in a beautiful candlelit ceremony at Villa Academy Chapel in Seattle. It was a very special celebration that brought together friends and family – from near and far - and a ceremony filled with messages of love, fidelity and lifelong commitment. Weddings are always such a wonderful reminder of the bonds between husbands and wives, friends and families. Before I get to the details and share some photos from the beautiful event, I want to share the story of “wedding charms” with you.

Wedding Charms
Last month, Tessa’s mom, Bev, and twin sisters, Lara and Jennie, hosted a lovely shower for the bride-to-be. I feel so fortunate to have known the “Gorman girls” for many years since we grew up together in Olympia. And I am honored to be considered a close friend of Tessa’s – as she is a close friend to so many!

The theme of the shower was charms. I found this appropriate and "charming" for so many reasons. The quote above was inscribed on the invitation along with a request for each guest to bring a silver charm that reminded them of Tessa to be added to a new silver charm bracelet that would be the collective gift from her close friends. As she opened each tiny box, the friend who gave it explained why the charm reminded her of Tessa.  There were airplanes (2!) symbolizing travel and adventure, clogs for Robert’s Dutch heritage, a Turkish eye to ward off envious people, a locket to keep special pictures close by, and many more.  I chose a simple round disc engraved with her monogram ~ TGM.  It's classic and preppy just like her. Tessa and I share an appreciation for classic, preppy, traditional things (think Izod shirts, Tretorn tennis shoes, Hermes scarves and letter press stationary!).

I have always loved charm bracelets. My mom has a beautiful one filled with gold charms from around the world. My husband started one for me many years ago and we add to it from our travels and special occasions. My three-year-old daughter, Sofia, even has one that my mom gave her for her first birthday. She loves to wear it to parties and of course to Tessa’s wedding.

Charms carry memories of happy times and close friends. I know Tessa will always appreciate all of the charms she received that day. I saw her the day she picked up the bracelet from the jeweler (picture below). She was beaming! It’s the ultimate friendship bracelet (remember those, girls?!) and such a creative idea for a shower. Nice work Bev, Lara and Jenny! I was honored to be a part of it.

OK, now onto the wedding details you’ve been waiting for.

Tessa's three-year-old niece Eleanor (left) was the darling flower girl. Sofia was so excited to see her good buddy daintily tossing flower petals as she walked down the aisle.
The orange Dutch tulips, compliments of a relative of the groom, were simply breathtaking.

Tessa's wedding attendants were her twin sisters, Lara (left) and Jennie. They looked stunning in classic winter white dresses and fabulous up-dos! 

Tessa and Robert's get-away car was her classic 1987 Volvo (which boasts 300K miles!) decorated with orange and white balloons. Tessa and I share an appreciation (love?!) for our classic Volvos. Tessa's dad served as their driver for the evening.
It was truly charming! 

And the cake was simply gorgeous - and delicious, too!

But nothing compared to the gorgeous bride in her exquisite dress.
All night people were commenting on her glow!

It was fun to connect with old friends from Oly at Table 20 - woot woot!

We were honored to be seated with the bride and groom. (Sorry, Robert is cut off in this picture.) My friend Lynn commented that it felt like we were sitting with the King and Queen. I'm not sure how we got so lucky except that the Oly ties run deep!

Tessa's dad's speech and Robert's brother's toast were true highlights and
very charming indeed!

Congratulations Tessa and Robert. You are both so lovely and charming. And you truly "cast a most becoming light on others." I wish you all the best in your marriage and life together.


  1. Oh - this is LOVELY! Such a wonderful couple - I'm so happy for them!!!

  2. Gorgeous, of course -- no doubt that Tessa's wedding would reflect her beauty. Such an honor to be a part of it. Here's to the happy couple! XO Jeanne

  3. We felt so privileged that you could celebrate the moment with us, Amy! You're such a dear for sharing this happy post and lovely photos with others. What a magical night for my baby sister!
    xx Lara

  4. how she perseveres in the alice and not wonderland sea of politics in which she is immersed, baffles me. keep up the good work and what was your event in track?
