Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Fall Fleurs

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” 
-Albert Camus 

Yesterday morning after dropping our kids off at school, my friend and former job share partner at Starbucks, Heidi, and I went leaf picking.

She asked me to help her collect the perfect colors of leaves for a photo shoot for the new Starbucks Thanksgiving Blend packaging. Without giving too much away, she said the coffee packaging has a lot of "my" orange on it.

We had so much fun noticing the beauty and uniqueness of each leaf. We strolled. We commented. We picked. It was almost addictive. It's like stopping to smell the roses, but using a different sense. Oh what fun!

In the middle of it Heidi suggested she should write a guest post for my blog - behind the scenes at the photo shoot. No pressure, Heidi, but I think that would be great!

In the meantime, I had fun staging my own little photo shoot at home with some of the lovelies we picked up.

Did you know Thanksgiving is only 29 days away - but who's counting?!!

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