Monday, March 21, 2016

Happy International Colour Day!

March 21 is International Colour Day. Who knew?

It's not a coincidence that International Colour Day corresponds with the equinox – aequus (equal) + nox (night). Around this date, day and night are equally long, symbolically juxtaposing the complementary nature of light and dark, illumination and shadow that are expressed in all cultures and in color.

Here are five fun and easy ways to celebrate International Colour Day and the beginning of spring - my favorite season.

  1. Buy yourself a bouquet of flowers. My favorites for spring are tulips and daffodils.
  2. Peruse the glassybaby website.
  3. Google "color" and see what awesome images come up.
  4. Sign up for The Color Run aka "The Happiest 5K on the Planet." Sofia and I are doing it together in Seattle on Mother's Day again this year.
  5. Follow my color guru, Leatrice Eiseman, on Facebook for a daily does of color from the world's leading expert on color.

Leave a comment below and let me know how you are celebrating color/colour today!

Have a great week friends.



1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the colorful shout out! I celebrate color every day and at this time of year it is even easier when the flowers ar popping all over the place!!
